Personal development

Personal development is a comprehensive approach to self-awareness and tapping your full potential in order to improve your quality of life on a personal level and achieve your goals. Transposed into the corporate world, this approach is a critical factor in professional success. It enables you to get to know yourself and others better, thereby facilitating interpersonal relationships and develop constructive ways of communicating. More mindfully managing your emotions and stress, thinking deeply about your priorities, and optimising your verbal and written communication methods all generally have very positive impacts on your work. By developing your potential, creativity, and assertiveness, you can improve your own wellbeing and that of others, while developing your own effectiveness and helping the company be more effective as a team. Orsys designs training sessions to make your own qualities into professional assets. Specialised English development courses are also available, enabling you to take your ambitions global.

Personal development

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    Personal efficiency and time management 5 courses

Knowing how to manage priorities, defining your personnel structure, making use of internal resources and optimising your time spent on operations and communications are essential skills to be effective and limit tensions within the company. Orsys training teaches techniques that can be put directly into practice to increase productivity, comfort, and wellness on a day-to-day basis.

    Assertiveness, stress management, and emotions management 8 courses

Having self-confidence and self-esteem, expressing your personality while respecting that of others, and positively managing your stress and emotions are skills that affect both the quality of your work life and your personal well-being. With lengthy experience in this field, Orsys courses help optimise your internal resources and develop your potential.

    Developing your potential and creativity 8 courses

Promoting innovation, uptake, and creativity, learning quickly, and knowing how to be flexible in relationships are skills that greatly facilitate quality of life in a business. Orsys courses, through innovative methods and hands-on workshops, help to develop these skills and professional efficiency.

    Speaking and oral expression 10 courses

Speaking with confidence, backing up your opinions, communicating assertively, talking up and selling your ideas, managing group dynamics in order to be heard while respecting others, channeling your stress, and managing objectives are all essential skills for advancing in the corporate world. For these areas, Orsys has designed training courses based on very active learning techniques, like role-playing, scenarios, individualised action plans, and sharing experiences.

    Negotiating, arguing, and persuasion 8 courses

Knowing how to sell your ideas, or to be assertive and persuade others while also being respectful and inclusive toward them, are skills that will facilitate your everyday discussions. Positive supporting their projects and handle different personality types are things which have a direct impact on the quality of your personal and work life. Orsys offers training in persuasion and communication methods so that you can develop your ability to advocate for your ideas and get people on board in any situation.

    Written expression 2 courses

Writing plays a critical role in professional communications, especially with the development of digital tools like email, social media, and websites. In order to be impactful and avoid misunderstandings that could generate tensions while also offering an general approach, Orsys has designed training courses based on active learning, like writing workshops, writing techniques, individualised action plans, and sharing experiences, all to develop written communication skills.

    Professional development 1 courses

Nowadays, with never-ending changes in professions and organisations, a career no longer follows a straight line, but rather undergoes shifts and rebounds. The careers of today require adaptation and openness to possibilities for professional transformations. Orsys offers courses tailored to every situation (internal mobility, reskilling, returning to work or nearing retirement) for each stage of the career path.