Corporate communications

The components that make up corporate communications are more intrinsically linked than ever. Both external and internal communications are part of the same comprehensive, multichannel strategy. They must now incorporate all media, both traditional and emerging, print and digital, into a consistent, unified communication framework. As a result, communications jobs are now demanding more skill and expertise from those who hold such positions. Besides proficiency in different writing techniques, it’s also important to lead a community on social media, improve your website’s search engine rankings, manage your e-reputation, and improve your online visibility, among other things. Businesses must constantly adapt their communication strategy to the decisions and guidance set by management and tie it in to the marketing strategy, while upholding strong policies and essential monitoring in an environment marked by constant innovation in digital communication.

Corporate communications

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    Communication strategy 1 courses

Communication strategies are now multichannel, and must incorporate all media, both traditional and emerging, print and digital. All of these aspects are covered in Orsys training, which enable the acquisition of both strategic and operational skills, as well as the ability to oversee a communication plan from when it is created to when it is adapted for use in the field.

    Social media and community management 2 courses

The role and usage of social media have really taken off in professional settings. Business units have become structured, and now encompass promotion, advertising, e-reputation, and customer relations. Tools and platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, require more and more expertise for proper use. The training offered by Orsys makes it possible to acquire both strategic and technical skills.

    Written communication and writing for web and print 2 courses

Improving your writing techniques, boosting the impact of your content, and optimising your web and print editorial strategies are all within your reach with Orsys training. Methods and techniques unique to each type of media are covered through a lens of cross-channel consistency, search engine optimisation, and global corporate communications.

    Visual communication with video and images 3 courses

Video is essential in any communication strategy. Its use is now widespread, and video design and production are no longer reserved for specialists, having become available to all communication professionals. Orsys training is made to cover all the tools and practices of audiovisual communication, from the use of professional cameras for elaborate videos, to smartphone cameras for more basic shoots.