Course : SharePoint 2013 for Developers

en environnement Visual Studio

SharePoint 2013 for Developers

en environnement Visual Studio
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You'll learn how to develop and deploy SharePoint applications. You'll see how to customize your graphical interfaces, ensure the persistence of your data, and develop Web Parts and Workflows. You'll also learn how to design client applications that interact with SharePoint.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. HPD
Price : 3220 CHF E.T.
  5d - 35h00

You'll learn how to develop and deploy SharePoint applications. You'll see how to customize your graphical interfaces, ensure the persistence of your data, and develop Web Parts and Workflows. You'll also learn how to design client applications that interact with SharePoint.

Intended audience
ASP.NET developers.

Good knowledge of the language C# 3.0 (or VB.Net). Experience with ASP.Net 2.0 development is desirable. The hands-on work will be in C#. Functional knowledge of SharePoint is requested.

Course schedule

Introduction to development in SharePoint 2013

  • Architecture and artifacts.
  • Web Application Model and SharePoint in the Cloud
  • Documentation and best practices.
  • Recommended outside tools.

Server Object Model

  • The main spaces and subspaces of names.
  • Managing common objects SPSite, SPWeb, SPList, etc.
  • Managing application pages and error pages.
  • Managing authorizations and auditing the SharePoint farm.
  • Windows projects and SharePoint projects (SPContext).
Hands-on work
Working with the Server Object Model via application pages.

Visual Web Parts

  • Developing and deploying a visual Web Part.
  • Customizing a Web Part's property window.
  • Developing a connection between two Web Parts.
  • Customizing a Web Part's menu.
Hands-on work
Creating visual Web Parts.

Flow management

  • Default flows.
  • Developing a flow with SharePoint Designer 2013 and VS 2012.
  • Creating activities. Deploying flows.
Hands-on work
Creating a flow involving validation, document transfers, and tasks.

Data management

  • Managing list data: CAML and LINQ queries.
  • Managing external data via BCS.
  • WCF Data Services and oData queries.
  • Synchronous and remote event receivers
Hands-on work
Writing queries

Client Object Model (CSOM)

  • Object Model for .NET, JavaScript, Silverlight.
Hands-on work
Designing a Web App via ECMAJavascript.

Customizing the user interface

  • Customizing v4.master and creating styles.
  • Customizing the menus via CustomAction.
  • Customizing the ribbon via CommanUIExtension.
  • SP.UI infrastructure for dialogue boxes.
Hands-on work
Customizing menus and the ribbon.

Deploying solutions

  • SharePoint WSP solutions and diagram of a feature (SPFeature).
  • Artifacts deployed and activated via a feature.
  • Events attached to features.
  • Notion of "Feature Stapling".
  • Managing the updating of SharePoint applications.
Hands-on work
Deploying an application.

Dates and locations
From 21 to 25 October 2024
Remote class
From 17 to 21 March 2025
Remote class
From 2 to 6 June 2025
Remote class
From 8 to 12 September 2025
Remote class
From 17 to 21 November 2025
Remote class