Course : Managing conflicts using the DESC method

Managing conflicts using the DESC method

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How can you get out of a conflict situation with a colleague, employee, manager or customer? The DESC (Describe - Express - Search - Conclude) method suggests a collaborative approach to find a constructive solution to the conflict by working together and strengthening the working relationship.


Practical course remote class

Ref. 9DE
Price : 410 CHF E.T.
  3.5 hours

How can you get out of a conflict situation with a colleague, employee, manager or customer? The DESC (Describe - Express - Search - Conclude) method suggests a collaborative approach to find a constructive solution to the conflict by working together and strengthening the working relationship.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Remain neutral and avoid ascribing intentions to others
  • Defuse and regulate tensions through genuine sharing
  • Get out of the conflict by jointly finding solutions that are satisfactory for both parties

Intended audience
Anyone seeking to better manage the tensions and conflicts in which they may be involved.

No specific knowledge.

Course schedule

Describing the situation based on facts (Describe)

  • Decipher the link between the stimulus and its consequences.
  • Differentiate between the notions of observations, facts, opinions, interpretations, generalisations, judgements and feelings.
  • Remain objective in all situations by focusing on actions, not people.
Hands-on work
Quiz on the notion of observations. An analytical exercise to differentiate facts and opinions. Joint discussions: differentiating facts from opinions and feelings. Practice.

Expressing the consequences (Express)

  • Clarify the mechanism, from stimulus to emotion.
  • Take the time to identify and accommodate your emotions, and identify the link with your bodily feelings.
  • Speak using “I” and avoid “you”.
Hands-on work
Discussions and feedback. Game on emotions. Quiz on personal emotions. Practice.

Searching for solutions together

  • Open up the dialogue and work towards solutions.
  • Dare to be surprised by the appearance of new lines of approach.
  • Differentiate between deep need and practical means.
Hands-on work
Exercise on formulation choices. Game on universal needs. Practice.

Concluding (Conclude)

  • Formalise the agreement and mutual commitment.
  • Schedule an assessment if necessary.
  • Show gratitude and offer thanks.
Hands-on work
Summary: case study and/or scenario. Role play (optional) on situations encountered in daily professional life.

Practical details
Teaching methods;
A useful half-day workshop to clarify the steps in the DESC method through practical exercises and interactive games, and apply this technique to concrete situations.

Customer reviews
4,4 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

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